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Facial fillers

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The greatest benefit is seen in patients in the younger age group, that is, from the age of 30; however, it also provides benefits for older people.


Fillers alleviate damage from sun exposure, furrows and skin marks.

Biostimulators like Sculptra® stimulate the production of your collagen, tensioning flaccid areas.

Botulinum toxin or Botox ® softens heavy muscle expression.


It is indicated for:

Lip contour and enlargement;

Dark circles outline;

Volume and projection loss in the jaw;

Wrinkles in the frontal region, nasal base, corner of the eyes, lips and neck.



Based on a detailed examination of your complaints, we made a plan of the parameters that can be modified.


The biggest difference is the individual treatment for each patient.


An experience of more than 20 years, following the evolution of cases, determines which techniques are most advantageous.



Application through facial injections, with local and topical anesthesia.

Duration of 40 minutes to 1 hour.



Avoid physical exercise on the day of application.

Bruises (purple) can remain for up to 5 days.

Sunscreen factor must be used for 15 days.

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