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Arm Lifting

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It treats excess skin and fat in the medial and posterior part of the arms, the region that, when waving, is pending and flabby. It is recommended to tight and reduce skin sagging, as well as concentrated fat in the medial and posterior arms.

Brachioplasty or brachial lift helps younger patients with localized lipodystrophy, where liposuction alone may reduce the circumference of the arm.

Patients with greater weight loss or even thin patients with a lot of skin excess, may need longer scars.



The scars are positioned in the inner part of the arm and armpit. They can be smaller or larger, for their length will be in accordance with the amount of exceeding tissue to be removed.

The axillary lifting with minor incisions is indicated for mild cases. The main goal is to provide the best contour of the arms with the smallest scar possible. Patients with large drooping skin will have a longer scar in the medial groove of the armpit to the elbow.



Local anesthesia and sedation, with an average length of 2 hours and release from outpatient facilities after 4 to 6 hours.



 During  the first week, which requires greater care, you must limit your movements  with upper limbs. Use compressive garments for 2 weeks. Driving is allowed after 15 to 20 days. In the cases where only liposuction is performed, the release takes place earlier. Physical exercises for the upper limbs are possible after 2 months.

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