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Graft Lipoplasty of fat

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The use of fatty tissue aspirated under specific technique for reuse in different areas of the body allows a less aggressive and more beneficial surgical. When using autologous tissue from the patient him/herself, it has a low rate of complications. Today, the positive action of the fat graft is proven, favoring the stimulation of fibroblasts, improving the quality of the skin and restoring volume and contour to different areas of the body.



Facial liposculpture allows small volumes to be removed from the periumbilical area or inner thighs for usage in the jaws, peri-orbital, temples and perimandibular region, as well as in grooves that deepen over the years. The procedure can be done with local anesthesia, with or without sedation. It lasts an average of 1 to 2 hours. The recovery varies from 3 to 5 days. The volumetric facial replacement happens naturally, as well as the improvement in the appearance of the skin.



In body liposculpture, larger volumes of fat are obtained from regions with lipodystrophy and excessive accumulation, such as breeches, abdomen and thighs. The technique is used to replace the contour in the buttocks and breasts, as well as in sequelae after breast cancer resection or scarring after trauma. Today, its benefits also extend to areas of scar retraction and radiation sequelae.


The epidural or general anesthesia lasts from 2 to 3 hours, and the observation is from 6 to 12 hours.


Use of modeler and movement restriction in the first month, which can extend up to 60 days.



 Results are perennial, but a percentage of the grafted fat tissue is reabsorbed. Two or more sessions may be indicated until the desired results remain.


The liposuctioned content is a source of pluripotential cells or stem cells, and it can be associated with growth factors, fibroblast culture or it can be stored for future use.

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