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Facial Liposculpture

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The fat cells of your body are a source of rejuvenation and vitality; that is why they can be injected elsewhere to regenerate tissues and improve the skin appearance.


The preparation and handling of fat tissues has evolved over the years. Today we have a greater stability of results.


There will be indication on your face for the areas where there has been losses of contour due to resorption and where there is need to increase the projection.

These areas can be temples, orbits, jaws, chin or chin enlargement and mandibular contour.


Liposculpture is useful for balancing lip volume, softening facial expression creases and treating scars from trauma, accidents or acne sequelae.




Approached by very thin and delicate cannulas, fat cells are deposited in different layers of the face:  deeply close to the bones, submuscular and superficial up to the dermal surface of the skin.




The procedure lasts 1 hour with local anesthesia or sedation.


Ambulatory release after 2 to 4 hours.




Oral rest with liquid and pasty diet for one week.


Return to activities after 3 days.


Physical exercises after 2 weeks.


Use of daily sunscreen for 60 days.




Two procedures, with distance indication of 6 months, in cases of partial resorption.

By using your own fat cells as autografting for facial harmonization, there is a greater advantage of long lasting results, offering a more definitive option for facial contouring.

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