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About aesthetic procedures




... in the 21st century


Since the beginning of the 5th century BC, the representation of the human body has become a priority amongst artists. They were reproduced in different positions and situations, which varied from the ecstasy of love to the tense forms of combat, and the figures reflected, in sculpture and painting, the virtues associated to the physical form. It was around this time that Greek hegemony, a product of the Century of Pericles, defined the classical beauty standard that is transmitted to us and that formed the taste of those who contemplate it.



More than 2500 years have passed, and different trends and artistic trends have challenged the classical concept of body beauty, manifesting new preferences, changing the taste and renewing the aesthetic sense of each period. Ambiguous, cubist and hyperrealistic forms, amongst so many others, have succeeded over time, reaching, according to Umberto Eco, the contradictions of the 20th century, such as the media imposition of an almost hegemonic body aesthetic pattern, which was previously fought by cultural vanguards.



... young people and preventive applications


In recent years, we have seen a multitude of aesthetic clinics, promising to prevent aging. It is common for young patients, for example, to seek “preventive” applications of botulinum toxin, apart from undergoing constant filling. This results in the mass standardization of facial appearances, with the loss of the natural beauty that, in a subtle way, individualizes each face. In addition, the dissemination and consequent standardization of young models ends up excluding images of people with real age traits.


Fortunately, changes going in the opposite direction are already noticeable. Many patients seek to return to their naturalness and to preserve their personal characteristics. The time of faces altered by fillings and hyperinflated lips is being replaced by natural faces, which result from a subtle aesthetic work that favors beauty, attenuates the changes of time and respects the individuality of each person.


... the escapism mask that hides the real age


The investment in scientific studies in the medical field has resulted in an infinite range of possibilities, allowing the maintenance of vitality during the inexorable aging process. Longevity, resulting from the progress of current medicine, has increased the chances of a longer and better life. The awareness of this possibility contributes to the disposal of the escapism mask that hides each person’s real age. The media has been collaborating, by publishing images of artists who proud of their health and liveliness. With joy and elegance, they parade the beauty of age, whether in women or men. Diane Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer, Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood and Richard Gere maintain their own fascination, due to the slim image and movement, the strength and serenity with which they have lived for more than 60, 70 years.


... cell regeneration


Plastic surgery has evolved and, today, it incorporates each time less invasive procedures, such as the principle of cell regeneration – a major surgical resource that uses the patient's own fat restorative benefit. Liposculpture sessions restore facial and body contour, assisting in the sequelae of traumatic scars and radiotherapy treatments, which are common after the removal of the breast (or part of it). Nowadays, it is possible to safely work with expressive fatty volumes alone, in order to replace gluteal and breast prostheses, or even associated with these prostheses, in order to obtain excellency in the shape and contour.


Moreover, videoendoscopic techniques, which were introduced in plastic surgery during the 1990s, make it possible to rejuvenate the upper region of the face with small holes in the scalp, replacing the extensive scars from ear to ear. In some cases, videoendoscopy also helps to restructure the post-gestational abdomen, dispensing large cuts and incisions.


... and facial rejuvenation


Facial rejuvenation has also evolved along the “short-scar face lift” path, avoiding large incisions and exaggerated tissue detachments. The current focus is on treating deep structures, using anchor points and repositioning muscles and soft parts, in order to rescue the most pleasant and real contour.


... and the eyelids


When approaching the eyelids, many patients imagine that the only problem is the notorious excess of skin. However, the reality of aging in the orbital area is much more complex. Functional changes occur, such as weakening of the levator muscle that lifts the upper eyelids. In the lower eyelids, the weakening of the tarsal support and its ligament laxity, sometimes with a tendency to eversion of the eyelid, predisposes conjunctivitis and chronic irritation associated with tear incontinence. When performing blepharoplasty, an eyelid plastic surgery, all these aspects need to be analyzed, once the main goal is to minimize the “weight” of time by keeping the structures firm and ensuring protection with appropriate lubrication of the eyes.


... the botox


In the field of injections, Botox revolutionized the control of facial expression marks. However, its indiscriminate use and widespread proliferation often leads to disappointing results. Being a great therapeutic resource, the botulinum toxin not only softens the marks of time, but also restores expression balance after sequelae of facial paralysis caused by viral infections, trauma and some types of cancer that interfere with the facial nerve function.


... the return to naturalness


There is nothing more pleasurable than a genuine and sincere smile! However, the indiscriminate use of Botox can block its spontaneity. The Doctor Guillaume Duchene, a French neurophysiologist, defined the musculature involved in smiling, which raises the cheekbones and generates marks around the eyes. Thanks to this researcher, who was a tenacious observer of his patients, the pathologies of muscle functions were already described in the 19th century. Today, many scientific studies consider the “Duchenne smile” as a sincere expression of happiness. In view of these details of facial muscle function and synergy, the application of botulinum toxin allows achieving good results without distorting the expression of emotions and the particularities of each face. In addition, injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid associated with collagen biostimulators, such as the polylactic acid, when used in a balanced way, promote the maintenance of the skin freshness and a pleasant facial contour throughout life.


... genital plastic


Due to the rupture of taboos in addressing intimate issues and sexual aspects, one of the fastest growing areas of this century has been female genital plastic surgery. From a cultural point of view, it is known that in ancient Egypt, women modified their genitalia through adornments and techniques to increase or reduce the vulva. Nowadays, genital surgery has been occupying space due to the media dissemination, which drives your requests in doctors' offices. Numerous surgical and non-surgical options are available. However, just like in any procedure, they present risks of complications, and should always be performed by trained and competent professionals.


Regarding this surgery, in 2004, Dr. L. Young released a statistical survey data to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. According to him, “labioplasty” was the biggest emerging trend amongst aesthetic plastic surgery procedures. At the annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) in 2013, data from vaginal rejuvenation procedures, carried out between 2011 and 2012, showed an increase of 64%.


Currently, solutions to disorders caused by time – such as the sensation of loss of vaginal tension, making it difficult to reach orgasm – are available and, fortunately, openly discussed in the media. The altered cosmetic aspects of the female vulva, such as enlargement or hypertrophy of the lower lips, or atrophy of the large lips, have a surgical indication known as nymphoplasty or labiaplasty. These problems can cause dermatitis and diaper rash, making it difficult to practice sports or even restricting the use of tighter clothes, such as beachwear. We often see these asymmetries in young patients, especially hypertrophy and asymmetry of the labia minora. Small surgical procedures under local anesthesia and sedation definitely help in any life stage. In addition, other patients who, over the years, have atrophy of the vulvar major lips, suffering from pain and inhibition during sexual intercourse, greatly benefit from the surgical approach of liposculpture in this area.


... taking care of the mind and body


Meticulous evaluations from anatomical, psychological and physiological points of view are essential to avoid chronic pain and other complications, thus giving patients an autonomy to decide on the indicated procedures, based on correct information and along with the doctor.


... live for real


Anyway, the times of stereotypical appearances and artificially super-injected faces, that is, the times of the “young forever” mask, are gone. The request for natural and “botox-free” results is each time more frequent in the office. Today, the trend is having patients proud of their well-lived years, with a desire to look good in their own real age. From a health standpoint, more than just spending millions on “anti-aging” creams, there is an awareness that the essential principle is to use creams with protective factors against sun damage. Avoiding photoaging is the best medicine to stay well and escape skin cancer.


Living well and living for real encompass generations that reach their 60th, 70th, 80th year of age while enjoying a more natural and authentic approach to their own bodies, with access to innovations. They are capable of incorporating different lifestyles in alignment to their desires.


Today's generations are more aware and less concerned with the beauty of consumption, and more focused on balance and on the harmony between mind and body, allowing genuine feelings of love and affection to emerge, which are fundamental for personal fulfillment. By maintaining their self-esteem, with the functional capacity that so many satisfactions bring, these people have a chance to live with wisdom: well and better.



... the return to naturalness

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